
  • Tailor's Bunion

    What Is a Tailor’s Bunion? Tailor’s bunion, also called a bunionette, is a prominence of the fifth metatarsal bone at the base of the little toe. The metatarsals are the five long bones of the foot. The prominence that characterizes a tailor’s bunion occurs at the metatarsal “head,” located

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  • Talar Dome Lesion

    What is a Talar Dome Lesion? The ankle joint is composed of the bottom of the tibia (shin) bone and the top of the talus (ankle) bone. The top of the talus is dome-shaped and is completely covered with cartilage—a tough, rubbery tissue that enables the ankle to move smoothly. A talar dome lesion is

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  • Tarsal Coalition

    What is a Tarsal Coalition? A tarsal coalition is an abnormal connection that develops between two bones in the back of the foot (the tarsal bones). This abnormal connection, which can be composed of bone, cartilage, or fibrous tissue, may lead to limited motion and pain in one or both feet.   The

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  • Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

    What Is the Tarsal Tunnel? The tarsal tunnel is a narrow space that lies on the inside of the ankle next to the ankle bones. The tunnel is covered with a thick ligament (the flexor retinaculum) that protects and maintains the structures contained within the tunnel—arteries, veins, tendons, and nerves.

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  • Tennis Injuries to the Foot and Ankle

    Tennis involves a great deal of foot work. Foot and ankle injuries can occur from the continuous side to side and quick stopping and starting motions required in this sport. The playing surface also plays a role, as hard courts are less forgiving compared to clay courts. Tennis players should be aware

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