Treating Foot Warts

Foot warts can occur anytime your foot comes in contact with human papilloma virus, or HPV. There are hundreds of HPVs, and a majority can cause a foot wart to develop. At Moore Foot & Ankle Specialists in Asheville, NC, our team of podiatrists consult with patients who have discovered a foot wart, and provide treatment as needed to remove warts on the feet. If you are having a hard time walking because of pain associated with a wart, it's time to call a podiatrist for treatment.

Common Causes of Foot Warts

Foot warts grow when the foot on your skin has come in contact with any number of human papilloma viruses. You can catch HPV from infected surfaces, like in a community locker room, or even from a towel that has virus particles on it. You can spread warts to other parts of your body, and can catch them from close contact with other people who already have a foot wart. If you scratch at a foot wart, this is only going to irritate the wart and spread the virus on your body. If you have a bothersome foot wart at the bottom of your foot, treatment can remove the wart over time so that you can walk without discomfort.

Treatment for a Foot Wart

Although surgical removal of a foot wart is an option, this is usually not the first treatment for warts that is considered. Topical medication can be used to slowly remove the wart from your foot. This will take time, and you will need to be consistent about putting foot wart medication on your foot. A podiatrist can also use cryotherapy, freezing off the foot wart for removal. There are times when foot warts don't need to be treated, and they will eventually disappear. Once your body is clear of HPV, the wart will not remain on your skin. Treatment of a foot wart will depend on the size of the wart, how long you have had it, and any treatment you have already tried to remove the wart.

Call for Foot Wart Treatment Today

When you have a foot wart that isn't going away on its own, a podiatrist has treatment options for you to consider. Call Moore Foot & Ankle Specialists in Asheville, NC at (828) 350-1880, and set up an appointment to meet with our podiatrists and get started on foot wart removal treatment today.

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